Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Importance of Hydration for a Healthy Voice

Hydration is important for healthy vocal folds. Drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated is vital for it to function efficiently. The adult human body is approximately 60- 65 % water. Dehydration or inadequate hydration affects every cell, organ and system in the body, including the vocal system. Those who seek help for voice problems & disorders are often not aware of the importance of hydration. They usually have their own reasons for not drinking enough water - some who drink as few as 1-2 glasses a day because they think it is adequate; others who believe their tea, coffee or cola intake takes care of their hydration; some who argue that they don’t drink water since they don’t feel thirsty.

How does inadequate water intake affect the voice?

Inadequate water affects the efficient functioning of the vocal folds. The vocal folds are responsible for phonation i.e converting the airflow from the exhaled breath into acoustic energy or the raw sound. When we speak, the vocal folds vibrate & there is contact between the two vocal folds. Normally, the natural structure of the vocal fold lining and a thin layer of mucus protect the vocal folds from voice problems or injuries, that can be caused by long hours of speaking or singing. Mucus acts as a lubricant for the vibrating vocal folds & water provides the raw material for producing mucus. If you don’t drink enough water, mucus tends to be thick & viscous [sticky], and the vocal fold tissues dry up. This makes your vocal folds vulnerable to voice disorders. Water also hydrates and lubricates the mucous membranes [lining] of the throat and mouth, making speaking & singing easier. Dehydration increases your vocal effort while speaking or singing.

Professional voice users and performers, including corporate & business speakers, actors, singers, television anchors, newscasters & radio jockeys use their voice for long hours, often at the extremes of their pitch & volume range. Using the voice for long hours tends to dry up the throat because we often breathe through the mouth while speaking or singing. They work in dry environments like airconditioned offices, studios, that further contribute to drying of the throat & voice. As a result, they are vulnerable to vocal problems and injuries, if they fail to drink enough water.

Recognizing dehydration or dryness of the vocal folds

These are a few indicators [Note that the following symptoms could also indicate other vocal or health problems]

• Your mouth and throat feel dry and scratchy

• You often need to clear your throat

• Your urine looks yellow/dark

• Voice use is effortful

• You feel thirsty very often

A few factors that contribute to dehydration of the vocal folds

• Caffeine in coffee, cocoa, chocolates, colas

• Alcohol

• Dry, polluted, hot & airconditioned environments

• Excess consumption of sugar/ sweets/ lozenges

• Mouth breathing- habitual or due to a blocked nose

• Health issues like diabetes, hypertension, anemia, among others

• Medication used for colds, cough, depression, anxiety, hypertension, very high doses of vitamin C, among others

                                Dr. Sadhana Nayak M.S [Otolaryngology], D.O.R.L 
Staying hydrated for a healthy voice

The amount of water you drink depends on your voice use, health, lifestyle, physical activity and environment. A general recommendation for healthy adults, especially if you are a professional or occupational voice user, is between 2.5 to 3.5 liters of water in a day. Here are a few ways to keep your body & vocal folds hydrated, however busy you are. [Check if you have renal, cardiac or other health issues, that call for restriction of water intake]

• Keep sipping water. Don’t wait till you are thirsty. Thirst is a sign of dehydration

• Eat fruits and vegetables as they will contribute to your water intake. They will also give you the additional health benefits from fiber, vitamins and minerals

• Reduce your consumption of coffee, colas, alcohol & other vocal dehydrators. For every unit of coffee, colas, alcohol you consume, drink extra water

• If you live or work in an air conditioned, smoky or dusty environment or under hot lights in a studio or on stage, drink more water

• If you exercise or work out regularly, compensate for the loss of water through sweating, by drinking more water

• Keep water handy at all times. Always carry a bottle of water with you. Have a bottle or two at your work desk.

• Start your day with a glass or two of water.

• The color of your urine is an indicator of how well hydrated you are. The paler, the better.

• Air travel dehydrates the vocal folds. Speak less and drink more water when you fly.

• Keep your vocal folds well hydrated before a performance, presentation or rehearsal

• Seek medical help if you are a mouth breather

Does drinking water during a performance/presentation help in hydrating the vocal folds?

This will instantly moisten the lining membranes of your mouth and throat, but it takes time to reach your vocal folds. Water reaches all the cells in your body, including those in your vocal folds through the blood stream. It takes anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes for water to reach your vocal folds & hydrate them.

Warm or cold water?

What is more important is to drink enough water, whichever way you like it. If cold water does not affect your throat, there is no reason for you to stop drinking it. However, drinking cold or iced water just before or during a performance may contract/tighten the throat muscles & constrict/ shrink the blood vessels. Water at room temperature, before and during a presentation/performance is a safe bet.

About Dr. Sadhana Nayak

She is a Mumbai based vocal medicine specialist and voice coach for professional and artistic voice users. She has trained business leaders, corporate speakers, actors, news anchors and singers in India and the U.S.A



Mobile: +919819752312

Timing: 11 a.m- 5 p.m

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